During the after-work hours, I like to spend some time working in my home lab, learning new technologies and studying for exams. Below I have listed some blogs that are in my opinion a must read! They are interesting to read and follow with WordPress. Most blogs that are listed are related to virtualization technology and especially the VMware ecosystem.

Must read – vCommunity Blogs
The VMware Community is one of the largest tech communities around and has great information to offer.
A good initiative is the VMware VMNT Blog Beat webpage. The page offers official blog posts from VMware alongside community blog posts. There is just so much information there, you can read for 24×7 blogs and still not be done.
Blogger: | Website URL: |
Duncan Epping | http://www.yellow-bricks.com |
Frank Denneman | https://frankdenneman.nl |
Laurens van Duijn | https://vdr.one |
Marco van Baggum | https://www.vmbaggum.nl |
Ruurd Keizer | https://www.devops.lol |
Sjors Robroek | https://vxsan.com |
Wesley Geelhoed | https://wesleygeelhoed.nl |
Must read – ITQ Blogs
At ITQ (the company I work for) a lot of people have their own blogs about IT. To combine all the content onto one page ITQ has introduced the ITQ Knowledge Hub. The knowledge hub gathers all blog posts and combines them into one central page on the ITQ company website. Click here to go to the ITQ Knowledge Hub.
If you rather go to my colleagues’ blogs directly, click on one of the websites listed below.
Blogger: | Website URL: |
Christiaan Roeleveld | https://www.automate-it.today |
Erik Verbruggen | https://verbrough.wordpress.com |
Floris Eken | https://flores.eken.nl |
Francisco Perez van der Oord | https://www.francisconl.com |
Jeffrey Kusters | https://www.jeffreykusters.nl |
Johan van Amersfoort | https://vhojan.nl |
José Cavalheri & Michaël van de Gaer | https://vra4u.com |
Jesper Alberts | https://www.vjal.nl/ |
Kabir Ali | https://www.kablog.nl |
Rick Verstegen | https://rickverstegen84.wordpress.com |
Robert Kloosterhuis | https://thefluffyadmin.net |
Ruurd Keizer & Flores Eken | https://www.vroapi.com |
Sander Harrewijnen | https://harrewijnen.net |
Stijn Vermoesen | https://blog.stijnvermoesen.be |